
Friday, June 29, 2012

Future Project Friday: TP Flowers

Sorry guys, that I missed last Friday.  Busy, busy. 

Outlined in red is the Project featured today.  The one on my board takes you here.

Here's my tutorial:

TP Flower Tutorial

empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls
glue gun and glue
styrafoam balls

I cut each of the balls in half.

Then I measured each roll to make 1 inch pieces.

It's ok if you bend them as you cut.

Lots of petals!

Now, wrap the half styrafoam balls with the yarn.  *note: these will not lay flat, if you need them to*

Wrapped up!

Now, put some glue at about the bottom of each petal.

Put them together.  *note: the closer the the bottom of each petal that you glue them together the smaller the center of your flower will be, i.e. I glued mine about 1/2 inch from the bottom and they made a bigger flower.*

There you have it!

The display in my bathroom above my hand towel bar and toilet.

Handmade Gift Exchange {the gift I received}

Hey everybody. So, first I have to say that this post is kind of special because I am posting from my phone! What????!!! I know, cool, right? (for those of you who have been doing this for-like-ever, don't laugh at me I'm new to the whole smartphone thing).
The next order of business aka purpose of this post is to tell you, not only did I ship my "exchange" gift 2 days before the deadline, but I got mine in the mail today. 

It's so cute!  Can't wait till the next one.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Handmade Gift Exchange {Finished Gift}

I finished my gift for the Handmade Gift Exchange over at Craftaholica Anonymous!  I decided to make a wreath just like I said I would.  It's so cute.  I can't wait till it makes it to New Jersey.

So excited!  And I tried the method of making a wreath form with a pool noodle.  It's perfect!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Future Project Friday

Hey, today's the first edition of Future Project Friday!  And it's a simple little one.

Today it's the ribbon/pearl bracelet on the right side (with the blue box around it).

** I can't get the link to the one pinned on my board to work, so here is another**

See you next Friday with another!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Mini Vacation

[I took this photo in San Clemente, CA 2/2012]

Hey guys!  Well, I'm in L.A. this weekend (technically we're staying in Marina Del Rey).  I'll be back home on Sunday evening.

I'm so excited!  My best friend/unofficially adopted sister, Kristina, is coming from Tucson to spend the weekend with my mom and me.

That's Kristina on the far right with her hubby, Eric, and my mom and step-dad, Donyvan.

Can't wait!  I'll have photos for you when I get back.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Craftaholics Anonymous Handmade Gift Exchange: Update!

I posted about this about a week ago.  Well, now the drawing is over and I have someone to make a handmade gift for and send it to her before the 30th.  She's told me that she's moving into a new house and has two kids, a boy and girl.  So, I've decided on a wreath for the front door of their new house.  She told me they like neutral colors, and some blues and greens.

{Found this on My Blessed Life via Pinterest}

I'll probably do something very similar to the above with brown as the dominant color then some blues and greens.  I think it will be fun.

I wonder what I'm going to get ;)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Doily Earrings

As promised, doily earrings!  Aren't they fun?!  And they're super light, so great for those of you who may have sensitive ears and want to wear big earrings, but don't like heavy ones.

Make some of your own and let me know how they turn out!

I found my pattern here on Ravelry.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Coming Soon...

Yesterday I went to Hobby Lobby to get some velcro... needless to say I didn't just get velcro.  I never do.  I always get more than I came for, however I only spent less than $9.  The velcro is for a cute little project that I will soon post- you're going to love it.

Another thing I got while I was there was some crochet thread.  I decided I want to make some doilies.  Why?  Well, why not?  I've never done it, so I figured I'd give it a try.

But then I thought, what am I going to do with doilies?

Then I found these:


From: Oh My Good Knits!  She has some super cute patterns and this looks simple enough (maybe).

From: Ravelry  Super cute little doily earrings!  I think I'll make these first.

From: Ravelry (this is a different link from the above)  These ones look a little more difficult than the doily ones, so we'll see if I can accomplish these.

Anyway, I'll show the end result soon.

And I'll have a tutorial soon!

Friday, June 8, 2012

What to do

I've said in the past that I follow a lot of blogs, however in looking over this post I realized that there are a few missing.  If you want a full list, leave a comment. 

Anyway, a lot of the blogs I follow have one day a week where they do something.  Like on Skip to My Lou, she does "Made By You Mondays," on my sister's blog she does "Music Mondays."  So, I was thinking I need to do something that will keep me blogging.  Since I have a hard time keeping up with posts.

I can't always bake something, because life is just too busy and baking is a little fattening.  And I don't know if I could organize a post with a bunch of other people.  I love music, so I was thinking of stealing my sister's idea.  However, it doesn't really have anything to do with "Sugar and Stitches." 


I've got it!  Future Projects Friday!  I have a board on Pinterest called "Future Projects."  I will pick a project from there once a week and post it on Friday! 

I'm so glad I did this post, otherwise I'd still be sitting here trying to think of something.

Here's a little bit of the board.

Some of it I've already made, so I can post those photos if I haven't done so already.

I'll be back every Friday now, with a new project.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Crocheted Pillow

A couple of months ago I bought this round pillow from a thrift store.  It was a pillow form I guess.  I was going to sew a case for it.  But then I decided to crochet a case for it.  So, I did a search and found this tutorial.  It was really easy.

I got the yarn from the sale rack at Michaels and I kind of ran out.  However, I think it looks kind of cool.  And I had yarn to match, so it all worked out.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Things I've Learned as a Single Girl

For those of you who don't know, I'm 25.  And up until about 8 months ago, I lived with my mom and step-dad, Donyvan.  Now, I live in a condo with my grandma, who I call Nan.  In living "with" I mean we split everything, so we're pretty much roommates.  So, I'm on my own.  Financially, that is.  I still have my family to lean on in times of need. 

In those last 8 months, I've learned a lot.  Well, honestly, I'd say I've learned a lot in the last couple of years.  I've learned things about life, people, and, mostly, about myself.  A lot of things my family and friends told me, but I never really took what they were saying to heart until I lived it. 

So, this post is just to give some advice to my fellow single girls, or some that are soon to be single or live on their own.

These aren't in any particular order:

1)  Keep your place clean!  You never know when someone is going to stop by, and the more often you clean the less time it will take you when you do it.  If something's not really really dirty then it'll be a breeze to do a quick clean-up.  I admit my mom cleaned a lot for me when I lived at home.  Now, I do a lot of the cleaning and I don't seem to mind because I love living in a clean place.  Plus, do you really think a man wants to marry someone who's a slob?  If he does, then that probably means he's one too.  Do you want to marry a slob??

2)  Learn to cook.  And no, Ramen noodles don't count.  It's not hard.  If I can do it, so can you.  Just start simple.  Go on sites like All Recipes or find a blog about easy recipes.  As long as you know you're way around the kitchen enough to make some chicken and vegetables for a simple meal or bake chocolate chip cookies, then you're doing good.  Plus, think about the money you'll save and the calories from not eating out all the time.

3)  Keep your freezer stocked.  Whether it's Eggos, chicken breast, or even just frozen dinners, the freezer is your friend.  As a single girl you can also make a full recipe that makes 4-6 servings, freeze it, and have food for weeks.

4)  Keep your place smelling good.  I'm a little weird about this.  I love for our condo to smell good.  I hate when the kitchen smells like steamed broccoli or the laundry room smells like the dogs food, or the air just smells stale.  This is also another good thing to keep in mind if you have people that may just drop by.  You don't want someone to walk in your place thinking: "what is that smell?"

5)  (This isn't really just for a single girl)  This is your FRIEND!!!  I love press n seal.  Enough said. **I'm not getting paid by Glad**

6)  Stay organized!  This mostly applies to bills.  Don't let that water bill get lost in a pile of papers.  Buy a calendar and use it.  Write the bills on their due date and the amount you owe.  A lot of bills you can pay online and even set them up for automatic payments.  If you're forgetful, do this!  I learned this the hard way multiple times.  It's no fun.

7)  PAY YOUR BILLS!!!  If it means giving up that new pair of shoes, purse, or dress, DO IT!  Even if it means eating Ramen noodles every night.  You do not want to ruin your credit, or get evicted because you can't budget.

8)  Make friends with your neighbors, or at least meet them.  (unless they're creepers)  You just never know when you might get locked out without your phone, or need some sugar.

9)  Don't buy toilet paper from the Dollar Store.  Unless you are just really really desparate and poor, I don't recommend it.  It's really not worth the money you will save.  You end up using twice as much because it's basically like nothing.

10)  Do things for other people.  Call it the "Golden Rule," karma, or paying it forward.  In my experience, the more nice things you do for people then either that person will do something nice for you, or out of the blue someone else will.  This especially applies to your parents.  They did things for you over a span of 18+ years.  But them a cup of coffee or invite them over for dinner.  Then if, one month, you're having problems making ends meet they might just buy you some groceries or fill you gas tank.

11)  Learn to sew.  I don't care if it's an entire dress or just sewing on a button.  Granted I learned to sew when I was probably 12 or 13 and made an apron when I was probably 15.  But, I know there are girls who have no idea how to sew.  It's not hard.  Don't sike yourself out and think it's going to be too time-consuming and you're going to jab your finger 100 times.  Just try it.  I strongly believe it's a good skill to have.

12)  Thank your parents.  Listen to their advice.  They DO know a lot.  They've probably lived what you're going through.  They can be your friends- no one whould judge you for that.

I'm sure there are more things.  And I know as soon as I post this I will think of more, but for now that is my list.  Enjoy.  And take my advice to heart.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Craftaholics Anonymous 2012 Gift Exchange

Hey there!  Well, apparently Linda over at Craftaholics Anonymous has been having this Handmade Gift Exchange for a while now, and somehow it slipped under my radar.  I just saw her post this morning and I decided I just have to participate!

You can find the breakdown of the whole thing on her blog.

Basically, what it is is a Secret Santa sort of thing, but we don't have to buy any gifts- we get to make them!  I think what will happen is I get to pick someone to make something for and then I send it to them, and then someone else will pick me and send me something.  How cool is that!  So, fellow crafters head on over to her blog and check it out and join up.  It's going to be pretty fun.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Snag a Pin

I have become OBSESSED with Pinterest.  If you're not on there, then you should try it.  Unless you don't want to waste hours of your life on the computer then you should stay away... far away. 

There's a little preview of what my page looks like (there are a few that got cut off).  I also put a button over to the left so you can follow me if you'd like.

So, now that you know my guilty pleasure of staying up till ungodly hours on this site, I have something cool to show that I've made from an idea on Pinterest.

I found this idea (I tried to get the link to the orignal, but it's not working).  A photo holder using an antique glass insulator.  I recently bought one and when I got it home I had no idea what to do with it until I found this pin.

That photo is probably from 1994 or 95.  That's me on the right.